IN conjunction with Better Hearing & Speech Month, Sunway Medical Centre is organizing a public talk for parents of children with speech and language delay entitled ‘Routines & Play’. The forum on pre-verbal skills for children will be held on 7 May 2016 from 1.30pm to 4.30pm at the Swan Convention Centre. Highlights of the event include a talk by SunMed’s Clinical Psychologist Ms. Jessie Foo on ‘Raising a Happy Child through Play’. Another talk to look forward to is ‘Using Routines to Improve Language Development in Children’ by SunMed’s Speech-Language Therapists. There will also be interactive hands-on activities throughout the event. For the benefit those attending, the talks will be translated into Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin upon request. Free parking and light refreshments are available.
Admission to the event is free, however members of the public are required to register by calling 03 74911280 / 012 7747657 or email to before 5 May 2016 (Thursday) as seats are limited to one parent per family (without children). For more information, please visit

Event Title: Routines & Play
Date: 7 May 2016 (Saturday)
Time: 1.30pm to 4.30pm
Venue: 4th Floor, Swan Convention Centre, Sunway Medical Centre

Source from The Sun Daily